Bird Hat Pattern Love.

It feels like a full circle.

This hat pattern really began YEARS ago. Remember around the early 2000's when Martha Stewart published a Baby magazine for a few years? I was smitten with them. The first issues came out before Isabelle was born and I would scoop them up to fall headlong in love with the pages as if they held all my dreams. Side note: I often feel that way about well curated magazines and books - it is my favourite place to be.

One fall edition had easy, fun halloween costumes ideas. There was an adorable ridiculous feathery chicken and that was it. Penny needed to be a chicken. I believe she was 17 months at the time. I eagerly gathered the supplies on the list, but fell short obtaining the 'beanie/pilot' cap required to make the chicken hat. This was pre Amazon days and no cotton pilots caps were to be found. My mom came to the rescue and patiently taught me how to self draft a pilot cap.

From that experience, I was able to draft this delightful bird hat years later when it was time for Pippa to be a princess Swan. This hat still makes me giddy to this day. I need to make MORE. All the birds. This same technique was the base of these patterns as well - The Everything Baby Bonnet and The Bunny Cloak with Variations.

I am so delighted to share that my Bird Hat Pattern has been featured in Martha Stewart's Etsy Collections for Fall of 2023. If she only knew how much her publications have taught, inspired, and impacted my life and those I love. I have so much gratitude to her and my ever so patient mother who is always there to patiently guide me through my harebrained ideas.


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