Salted Caramel Chocolate Swirl Meringues

Christmas Baking Salted Caramel Meringues Recipe

This picture is a throwback to when my two youngest were just a little but younger - they would have easily polished off both pans of Meringues, if permitted…

Light and airy with salted caramel and chocolate AND a soft inside... If that doesn't make you swoon, I don't know what will. These are NOT dry, hard mounds like you typically purchase in a grocery store. Nope, far from it.

Salted Caramel Chocolate Swirl Meringues have climbed the ranking ladder in our house to number one. They are perfect to share with others at Christmas and other hoildays - and they always impress! When it come to treats, so few recipes are both gluten-free and dairy free - but these babies are!

Find the recipe in the Etsy Shop!


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