The SOFTEST Sugar Cookie

Did you know I bought my first digital camera with earnings from a bake sale? 

My photographer days began with film… within the few years the world was swept into the digital age. I resisted for a while - it was much too large of an investment for a mom at home with 3 littles. 

However, I dearly loved photographing them, so I got to work with the skills I had. 

With the enthusiasm of children hosting their first lemonade stand, my sister (Angie) and I baked our hearts out for the annual Taber Christmas Craft Show (I think we did it for 3 yrs?). We would sell out every time and met the best people.

It was from one of those craft shows, that my digital camera came to be… 

Funny thing - I have reverted back to my film cameras for personal work now. But my digital cameras have served me well and will continue to photograph baked goods for you!

P.S. These are legit the softest, most addicting Sugar Cookie you will ever eat. Plus they make people giddy, especially is you use happy sprinkles.

Recipe in the Etsy Shop!! The frosting recipe is included!


Eat Something Pretty, because you are what you eat...


why Kyla Something…