Needle Felt Short Doll Hair

Somewhere in November last year, I decided I needed to make a doll for each one of my great nieces and nephews - before you believe me to be ancient, I am the second youngest of eight kids, so I became a great aunt very young...

I have been plugging away at the task and I am not sure just how far I will fare, as handmade dolls require time. They are relics of love and labour. I have completed exactly zero to date, but I am steadily making progress.

I decided it was an excellent opportunity to try new things and figure out different techniques. Alas, the felted short hair on this Greta Pocket Doll (pattern in the Shop). I am excited to try again with more of a floof in the front - with felting, the possibilities are ENDLESS.

Pictures of the process as below! As usual, I just went for it - I am sure there is a better way, but that is for next time! I am thinking a need to make a bald doll with a sweep over...


wool yarn doll hair tutorial
wool hair on small boy rag doll DIY tutorial

The beginnings of a Lady and Man Doll...


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