The beginnings of a Lady and Man Doll...
There are so many steps to creating a new doll. Sometimes it is exhilarating and sometimes it is plain exasperating. Just like a recipe, it requires the perfect balance of all the things for the outcome to blend and form.
AND… a vision that it is worth it all in the first place - that really is the glue.
As you can see,
a narrow neck results in a floppy head , a too square face in a neck crease, and a too narrow neck in a poorly stuffed head.
Each trial requires a commitment and perseverance, knowing the outcome may very well may be just another lesson.
However, each one is also a do-over… how many times have you wished for a do-over? To revisit a moment with grace, to be ‘more fun’, or simply better at it all? Motherhood is full of those.
I have been ruminating much of this past week and see so many areas that I wish I had the clarity of the now to revisit the past. Not so much with regret, but with recognition of the part my blindness played in the results. Sometimes I feel like Bart Simpson in the episode where he continually touches the scorching stove, though it burns him each and every time.
I suppose…
My ‘form’ is ever slowly becoming more of exactly what it always was and all the ‘mistakes’ are not so much repeated actions, rather subtle do-overs.
Thank goodness for the do-overs.